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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 616
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Felton, of course, had felt the same feeling as well. Actually, he always felt the spiritual energy inside

his body stir up each time

he saw Harper. That was how he recognized Harper at first sight. His energy would only have this

reaction when he met a

member of the Qin Clan.

"Why have you come to the imperial capital?" Matthew asked slowly, with his eyes fixed on Felton, not

wanting to miss any

change on his face.

"I have two purposes. One is to come for treatment, and the other is to meet you," Felton replied as he

stared at Harper with a

touch of complexity in his eyes. "Your Highness, I guess your spiritual energy in your body has already

fluctuated. There are

some things you have to deal with. You will need to go to the ancestral temple of the Qin Clan."

"Yes, I will find an opportunity to pay a visit to that place," Harper replied.

Hearing her promise, Felton nodded his head a few times. He then looked to Matthew and said, "May I

have a private talk with


"Well, you can talk here. I'll go back to my place first," Harper proposed gently. She then stood up and

walked outside. Although

she was curious about what they would discuss, she decided to leave them alone if Felton wanted to

talk with Matthew privately.

She was sure that Matthew would do nothing wrong.

"If you have something to say, you may say it now," Matthew said after Harper left. For some reason,

he sensed that what Felton

was going to say would not be nice.

"Before this, I have a question to ask," Felton said. After a pause, he looked at him and asked, "Who is

more important, Harper

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or the baby in her belly?"

"They are both of the highest importance to me!" replied Matthew at once, without thinking twice. He

had no idea why Felton

would ask such a strange question.

"What if only one of them can be saved?" Felton posed another strange question.

"Tell me who has the ability to hurt either of them!" When Matthew said those words, a flash of

murderous energy gushed out

from him. This made Felton's face grow paler and paler. There was even a trace of blood at the corner

of his mouth.

"Master..." Felton's servant, Mathias, said in concern.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Felton said, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He

then stood up and bowed slightly in farewell. "Your Highness, I guess that you have already discovered

a lot of information about the Qin Clan. And you must have figured out that you can't afford to have this

baby born by her." Hearing that, Matthew narrowed his eyes and looked at Felton coldly, "What do you

mean by that?" "Most people in the Qin Clan have magic power. The women of the Qin Clan are

especially well-endowed in this respect. Do you have any idea why?" Felton asked calmly as he looked

at Matthew's face, which was turning more sullen with every passing second. "No, I don't know," replied

Matthew. "In the past, I did not think Harper had inherited the magic power from the Qin Clan. When I

met her by chance that day, I thought that there might be some other people of the Qin Clan who

survived in the imperial capital. But seeing her today, I realize that I was being too greedy to imagine

that," Felton said. His eyes were full of trouble and concern. "If I told you that the baby in her belly will

kill her, would you still keep this baby?" The darkness spread from Matthew's eyes as if it would devour

the whole world. With a quick movement of his figure, he grabbed Felton by the neck and warned him

in a chilling voice, "Do you think you can hurt the baby in her womb?" Matthew's pinch brought a warm

flush to Felton's pale face. Even though he was slightly scared, he still stopped Mathias from

fighting back at Matthew. He just looked at the man in front of him calmly and continued frankly,

"Among the direct descendants

of the Qin Clan, the women would only give birth to one daughter or twins. Do you have any idea why?"

He knew that Matthew

wasn't willing to accept the truth, but he had to warn him that if he still cared about his wife and wanted

her to live, he would have

to sacrifice the baby in order to save her life.

"Does it have something to do with the peril of giving birth?" Matthew asked. He was not a fool. When

Felton revealed his identity

as a member of the Qin Clan directly, Matthew knew that he had something more to reveal. And now,

here came the hard truth.

Felton closed his eyes for a long moment. Finally, he opened his eyes and replied, "Yes, because the

children were born with a

kind of special ability, the mother would die when she gave birth." The darkness seemed to haunt him.

"Her own mother passed away when Harper was only six months old," Matthew mentioned. He was

looking for any plausible fact

to deny the cruel truth that Felton just uttered.

"Well, you are right. When her mother gave birth to her that year, she was weak after the delivery. But

the real cause of her weakness was not poison. The truth was that she became weak because of the

delivery. It could be said that the poison ironically saved her to some degree, and because of that

poison, she was able to give birth to Harper successfully, though it was a tough process. But it only

gave her another half year. She had a tough time during that period. The pain almost engulfed her,"

Felton explained as he looked into the distance as if he was looking at a picture of how Harper's

mother had lived during that dark time.

"Isn't there any way to save her?" Matthew asked desperately, after loosening his grip on Felton's neck.

"In the past, when we heard that Harper's mother had given birth to a baby and survived, we were all

very excited. We thought

that the Qin Clan had finally broken its ancient curse. But we didn't know that she still died half a year

later. In order to find out

the truth, we took away her coffin and searched for the reason why she had remained alive for those

six months. We discovered

that it was the poison in her body that helped her to sustain the labor, but it only helped her for half a

year, and she passed away

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at last."

Upon hearing these cruel words, Matthew could not help but clench his fists until he suffered from the

pain. He was well aware of

how Harper loved the baby in her belly. If she was informed that she couldn't keep the baby, she would

never agree to lose it.

What was more, it was impossible to imagine giving her a secret abortion, given that Harper herself

was such a talented doctor.

Matthew felt himself trapped.

"Do you really have no idea how to solve this problem?" he asked again, desperate for a ray of hope.

"I'm afraid I must tell you that I don't," Felton replied as he shook his head with sullen eyes. "If there

was a way, the direct

descendants of the Qin Clan wouldn't have declined like this. I've been worried since you two got

married, but I didn't hear any

news about the pregnancy from you. I was hoping that she hadn't inherited the magic power from the

Qin Clan. If she really

didn't have such power, she wouldn't have to endure the pain and the curse. However, last month, I

noticed that the ancestral

temple of the Qin Clan was emitting an abnormal signal. At that time, I knew that she had not escaped

the ancient curse. So I

took my chance to come to the imperial capital now and pay her a visit. And I want to tell you about

this." He gazed at Matthew,

hoping he could persuade Harper not to give birth to this baby which might kill her. The Qin Clan had

fought against this curse for

generations, yet no one had succeeded in beating it. Although he would be saddened to see that baby

lost as well, Felton still

preferred to see Harper stay alive.

"Don't tell her about it," Matthew then said after drawing a deep breath. "As for how to save the baby, I'll

find a way."

"Okay." Felton nodded, though he didn't believe any happy solution was possible.