Chapter 191 Sabrina's POV: "Tomorrow evening, we are going on a date. The king said to me.
I raised a quizzical brow. "Your majesty, that's so harsh.” He looked lost for a few seconds then recollection flashed in his eyes. "Ah, my apologies. Will you joinon a date tomorrow evening? I'll be sure to make it worth your time." I laughed shyly and nodded my head of course, your majesty, I would be delighted to join you.
Outside I was doing a good job of hiding my excitement. But deep down I was squealing. A date. That sounds wonderful. And I can't wait to see what he has planned in store.
+58) We soon parted ways and I went looking for Lady Nifra. We had agreed on certain times to meet and work on optimizing my magic, Today we met on an old piano room in the castle. A servant served tea and slight snacks while we sat across from each other and started working.
The first step she hadtackle was search deep down to answer the question "why do you feel like you cannot call magic when you want to?" I thought about it, my mind drifting in all the possible directions.
Why do I feel that I can't call it? The answer hitafter a minute of silent contemplation.
"Because I'm not worthy of it. Or I'm not good enough for it." She folded her hands delicately in her lap. "Why do you feel that way?" I shrugged. "I don't exactly know. Maybe My childhood of never being good enough for anyone?" your She nodded to herself. "Your blockages are mental, Sabrina m if they were magic, then with a wave of my hand I would have had them removed at once." "Can't you do that now?" I asked, blinking hopefully.
"I do not fix mental disorders." I gasped, my hand flying to my chest in shock. "Lady Nifra! I don't have a mental disorder! That was so cold!" She stared at me, although I could see a slight smile on her lips. "What I mean is, you have to first convince your brain that you are good enough. That you deserve to use these gifts. That whatever happened that gave you these gifts happened for a reason." I sighed softly.
"Can you do this?" She asked.
I sat up straighter. "Yes. I can do this." She placed an empty cup on the table between us. "Now, try to use your magic and make this float into the air. Remember, you are worthy of these gifts." 1/5 Chapter 191 I stared at the cup and willed it to rise.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtThe seconds stretched by and by. Nothing happened.
"You can do it." Lady Nifra urged gently. "Keep trying" "Have you done this before?" I asked, stealing a glance in her direction.
"Done what?" "Magic coaching?" She hesitated. "A few times in the past, yes. But none of them had mental blockages like you" "Ouch." "Focus now." "I am focused. Was it the king? Has it been long you met him?" "Why are you asking?" The cup rose half of an inch into the air and toppled over. I groaned.
"That's good." Lady Nifra said. "You used your magic just now, completely at your own time." A small flower of pride bloomed inside my heart. "Thank you, lady Nifra. Now about the king, have you known him for long?" "Longer than you were born, maybe." I gasped. "What?!" "Focus." "How did you two meet? Are you besties? Like... I'm so curious." "I'm his second in command. We are not besties." I clasped my hand over my mouth. The cup flew up into the air, nearly knocking her in the head. She ducked and caught it with magic, lowering it to the table.
"My apologies," "It's fine." She said. She set another object in front of me, a thick leather bound book. "Move this one. Try to ensure the weight is evenly distributed as you lift it up." She's been choosy with her words. Ah. There must be a reason why the king didn't tellabout her when I asked how he met his friends.
The doors suddenly swung open and we both turned to it. My stomach flipped as I saw Lord Acheron walk in. He walked over to us, glanced atand tipped his head in greeting.
"Hello Sabrina.” He said. He turned to Lady Nifra, and I swear I wasn't imagining it, but his eyes softened. "Nifra," "Acheron. Is there a problem? I'm currently busy." "I had hoped to find you alone, I didn't know you were with your student." As he said student, he glanced ov r at me. I smiled and waved. And to my greatest surprise, he smiled back at me.
2/5 Chapter 191 Is this really Lord Acheron? Or has he been taken over by an imposter? "You neededalone?" Lady Nifra asked, making him turn back to her.
"Yes, there is a matter I would like to discuss with you."" Lady Nifra cleared her throat and squirmed. I narrowed my eyes, thinking it strange.
She's normally so... unmoved by anything. But Lord Acheron mentioning that he needed her alone made her squirmish? Hmm very suspicious.
"Very well. After I am done, we can talk." She said.
He nodded and walked away. I watched him leave, still feeling stunned that he had smiled at me. I turned back to Lady Nifra.
"Are you and Lord Acheron dating?" She met my eyes and gasped. "What? Why would you think that?" Her cheeks were tinted red. Which was quite sight because she rarely, and I mean never ever blushes.
"I don't know. You two seemed rather close." "We aren't close at all. Now, back to our lessons." I smiled to myself. "Alright, lady Nifra. If you insist." After two hours of practice, I made sprogress.
I could move small objects about without much of a stress. But whenever my mind would drift to the "you sure you deserve this?" Thought, all of my magic would vanish.
Mental blockages. How sweet.
But on the bright side, I made a lot of progress today. And I felt so darn proud of myself.
I headed to the harem to meet with the girls and figure out just how much of my work I have cut out for me. As I turned down the corner, a shiny object on the ground caught my attention.
A black snake scale.
Something about it oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. I picked it up and put it in my pocket and continued on my way to the harem.
"Sabrina!" A loud shout cut through the air as I walked in. The girls who had been lounging in the living room turned to me.
"It's her!" "Hi girls," I said with a smile. I had barely gotten my next words out before I was tackled to a group hug.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"We heard everything! You're the new leader right?" I nodded. "Yes, that's true. And I'm here to make sure everything runs as smooth as oil." A loud cheer filled the air. "Finally! Gosh! Maybe now things will look bright around here." 3/5 Sat, 29 Mar Chapter 191 "They sure will." I said. "Now, there has to be a meeting, we can use the living room or gardens, whichever is better." "Do you have magic for real?" One of them asked.
I paused. "That wasn't magic. It was just a fluke." "No way! It was magic. We all saw it." "Yeah," The chorused.
I let out a soft sigh. "Well I am in the process of figuring it out. So I'm not yet sure." "Is it true you're the king's beloved?" "Yes yes, are you really with him?" "What does he look like?" My cheeks turned pink with all their questions. "Well um... we'll talk later! For now let's have the meeting" 87% (+58)
We all headed to the garden for the meeting. I had an idea drafted out for m how I was going to reinvent everything. Starting with Blair's stupid rules of worship. That had to go ately. With her lackies gone too, I appointed new girls in charge for the times I won't be present. After all was said and done, we had a celebratory party. And then, I was sure my life finally found it's meaning.
But i still wasn't sure why the king had a harem he didn't ever visit.
After the girls and I were done with the party, I couldn't shake off the questions in my head.
Why? Personally, I can't see the use of the harem. But maybe the king has a valid reason for keeping one? I went to his office, telling myself that I was going to ask him why, when I knew deep down that I just wanted to see him. Maybe.
I got to his office and he was talking with Acheron. Again, the warm smile Acheron had givenflashed through my mind.
"I will be taking my leave now" He said to the king. "we can discuss this later." "You may go." Acheron walked out, flashinga look on his way out.
I turned to face the king. "Did I interrupt something, your majesty?"
He got to his feet and walked over to me. "Not at all," he pulledinto his arms, pressing his nose into the crook of my neck. He inhaled my scent deeply and sighed. "I missed you," I hesitantly hugged him, my body tensing up. "You did?" His breath ghosted over my skin, hot and causing goosebumps to cover my skin. I gasped softly, feeling a tingle run down my spine.
"Very much," His hands grabbed my hips and pushedflush to his body.
4/5 09:29 Sat, 29 Mar Chapter 191 I gasped softly, feeling the warmth of his skin through his clothes. My eyes fluttered shut and I bit back a moan as he kissed my neck.
"Your majesty, hold on please,” 1 pushed him away and put sdistance between us. “I chere to ask you a question." His eyes bore into mine. "What is it?" "The harem, why do you have it when you clearly don't use it?" "The harem?" "Yes. And why do you continue to implement the one maiden per pack rule."
"It's a tradition my father started. And yes, I don't use the harem for the then reasons he set it up for But ending traditiot it that tradition is going to makelook weak in the eyes of the people. It may give them ideas." 1 pondered upon that for a few seconds. "Do you know the kind of rumours people spread about you, because of the harem tradition?" "I'm aware." "They say you eat the hearts of the maidens that are sacrificed to you" He looked slightly appalled. "Did you believe that?" "Once upon a tI did. That was before I found out they were false rumours." "I don't mind for the rumours at all. If anything, I like being feared by them. But lately, I'm not so sure anymore." "Your majesty," I took a step closer to him. "Perhaps this harem is doing more harm than it does good." "How?" "Most of the girls are lied to and forced to chere. And worse, there has been a case where a girl killed herself out of sheer fright.' His expression morphed into one of horror. "A suicide?" I nodded gravely. "It's terrible, your majesty. It really is." mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1